The second prompt of the month: Draw a Sylph or a Robuprawn making or dressed up in a homemade costume!


Draw/write about your sylphling or robuprawn creating, wearing, or gifting someone a homemade halloween costume of any kind!

If you don't own a Sylph or Robu of your own, you can utilize #sylphling-art-requests on the discord ( LINK TO DISCORD ) to ask other users if you can use their character for your prompt entry!

This prompt will be open for 7 days and you may enter up to 2 times! 



- At least one Sylph/Robu in the drawing must be a colored fullbody—traditional or digital art is fine!

- Background is not required, just needs to include the prompt item/subject!

- Artwork submitted must be new art created by you. It cannot be traced or made using templates or bases.

- Good effort must be shown in your piece! For instance, it can't just be a 10 minute scribble.



- Writing entries must be at least 500 words, and be based on prompt! (A 500 page story that has nothing to do with the prompt subject won't count!)

- Story must be new and not include any pre-existing writing you've made!

- As with the rule we made for artwork, your writing should show a good effort! Put thought into the character you're writing about, give us detail about the activity and how they participate in it. Don't just fill up the page with run-ons and bland text to hit that word count.



- 10 silver coins

- Seasonal Item for: Plush Trait

- 1 ticket for a Monster Sylphling Raffle! (Raffle design pictured below!)

Ends: 2 years ago

This prompt has ended.