
Lineages are a special part of the game.
Behemoth monster Lineage


The behemoth monster lineage is one of the oldest and rarest lineages to exist. Behemoth monsters were only born when needed, to protect and care for other spirits. These spirits do not have a berserker but have a behemoth form, allowing these beastly spirits to turn into skyscraper sized creatures.


The dragon lineage revolves around dragon ancestry. Any spirit assigned with the dragon lineage has dragons blood in them, giving them some ability and distinct traits of their ancestors. True dragons are almost fully extinct except one.
Dragon Chowlings are the only lineage type that must be linked to their theme—that is, only Chows with dragon-related themes can present this lineage and obtain the lofty title of “Dragon.”


Druids are the first musician lineage, how this lineage came to exist is completely unknown. All that is documented about Its history is that it shares ancestry with sirens, Making these 2 lineages related but also completely different. Druids however, use their music to lure land animals only and tend to be forest dwellers.

Festival Dragon Lineage


Festival dragons are spirits that are more than 50% true dragon. These spirits are incredibly rare due to the lack of pure blood. Festival dragons have more powers related to their true dragon ancestors, their festival forms give a peak of what some true dragons looked like.


The fighter lineage was created in a time where warriors were needed. Originally from the medieval ages, modern fighters have no need to fight for territory against other spirits and can now use their skills for sports, hobbies or still to fight and protect.
gen 0 parasite Lineage


Gen 0 parasites were created in the toughest situations and environments. These spirits ARE the ancestors of modern parasites but can only be created anew every time. This means when a spirit is put in a very tough environment, there is a chance their offspring will be a gen 0 parasite, starting the cycle of parasitism from the start. Gen 0 parasites are the only parasites that can have parasite offsprings, but these genes have become more and more weak.

Marionette Lineage


The Marionette lineage is considered a ghost lineage by some. These eerie spirits are associated with the spirit of death, as they keep and guide the souls of the deceased to the other side. Marionettes though, are truly peaceful spirits.

Medieval Fighter Lineage


Medieval fighters are the ancestors of modern fighters, these spirits were build for more tough combat, as they commonly would protect their territory. These fighters were more adapted to actual fighting while modern fighters are more adapted to hobbyist combat and martial arts. Medieval fighters commonly worked for dragons


The monster lineage, the lineage with a misleading naming. Monsters are a lineage of brute strength, these burly spirits are insanely strong and powerful. Monster spirits are able to turn into an alternate form called the “berserker” at their peak strength Monsters are considered protectors, their name is a description of their strength.


The parasite lineage, also known as “the dying lineage” Is a lineage that has evolved in a way that its rarely passed on, making it slowly go extinct. This lineage originated out of pure need for survival in the toughest environments. Parasitism within spirits is when strong emotions are felt, their body will take over control and do anything to protect itself.

Phantom Marionette Lineage


The first Phantom marionette were created by the spirit of death themselves. These spirits where assigned the honour of leading souls to the other side, given the ability by death to turn into a “phantom”, merging with a soul of their choice for a short period of time to protect themselves in case necessary. Most phantom marionette today are simply related to the first phantom marionette.

Regal scholar Lineage


Regal scholars are more closely related to the original scholars. Scholars in the modern time have no need to move through the large library where their ancestors lived, making them loose the “harpy form” that their ancestors would utilise within their environment. Regal scholars are considered some of the most skilled spirits on earth, making it common for them to work for royalty as a status symbol.


The scholar lineage originated within the largest library of the world. Scholars are some of the most talented and intelligent spirits around, honing one particular skill throughout their life. Scholars are hard working and dedicated spirits


The siren lineage is the lineage of the sea. A mysterious lineage that started in a small village of spirits that lived among shore. These spirits created songs that gave them the ability to control any aquatic life, luring prey with their deceiving songs.

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