Artist: Shrimp

Designer: Shrimp

Sale Value: €250.00

Can Transfer

Owner: SpaceCereal

Name: Unknown

Gender: He/Him

Birthday: 15 September

Zodiac: Lupus

Origin: ???

Occupation: ???


Secretive, reserved, cold, and just a little bit lustful, Mattas prefers his company over the company of others. He always seems impossibly busy, despite his occupation being a mystery. He loves to write, short horror stories are his favorite and perhaps the works he's most proud of.

C-423: ghost mantis's traits

main Form

Artist: Shrimp
Designer: Shrimp

Current Image (#1789)

Main Images
Character Spritesheet
Spritesheet Image

Character has no spritesheet.

Please note this is an experimental feature, for beta testing only.

main Form

Artist: Shrimp
Designer: Shrimp

Current Image (#1789)

C-423: ghost mantis Battle Stuff

Level: 1



No weapons.


No gear.

Editing C-423: ghost mantis's profile