Artist: Alcremie

Designer: Shrimp

Sale Value: €0.00

No Transfers

Owner: kappanuki

Name: Chihiro

Gender: Female

Birthday: 24 December

Zodiac: Velupecula

Origin: Unknown

Occupation: Unknown

Song: Unknown

She comes off aloof and maybe a little vain, but she's soft and kind-hearted beneath her cool exterior and will look out for others. Sisterly! She is grounded and practical with a no nonsense approach and is fiercely loyal. Sassy and confident. She is not afraid to speak her mind! Easily flustered. Slow to open up and a little hard to get to know but once you earn her trust, she warms considerably! D-definitely not a tsundere, baka! (lmao)

C-085: Salmon Belly Nigiri's profile

  • Chihiro's name meaning is "thousand abundance". It's symbolic because salmon belly sashimi is a personal indulgence of mine. It's decadent, luxurious and an ultimate special treat. Chihiro calls in abundance and good fortune! Also salmon > ocean > bounty!
  •  Note about her design: There are always 5 leaf tips poking out from under her tail, flaring out from the base. The number "5" is to represent balance.

C-085: Salmon Belly Nigiri's traits

main Form

Artist: Alcremie
Designer: Shrimp

Current Image (#578)

Main Images
Character Spritesheet
Spritesheet Image

Character has no spritesheet.

Please note this is an experimental feature, for beta testing only.

main Form

Artist: Alcremie
Designer: Shrimp

Current Image (#578)

main Form

Artist: Shrimp
Designer: Shrimp

C-085: Salmon Belly Nigiri Battle Stuff

Level: 1



No weapons.


No gear.

Editing C-085: Salmon Belly Nigiri's profile