The first prompt of the month: Draw a sylph or Robuprawn carving a pumpkin!


Draw/write about your sylphling or robuprawn finding the perfect pumpkin, carving them, or putting them out for display!

If you don't own a Sylph or Robu of your own, you can utilize #sylphling-art-requests on the discord ( LINK TO DISCORD ) to ask other users if you can use their character for your prompt entry!

This prompt will be open for 7 days and you may enter up to 2 times! 


- At least one Sylph/Robu in the drawing must be a colored fullbody—either traditional or digital art is fine!

- Background is not required, just needs to include the prompt item/subject!

- Artwork submitted must be new art created by you. It cannot be traced or made using templates or bases.

- Good effort must be shown in your piece! For instance, it can't just be a 10 minute scribble.



- Writing entries must be at least 500 words, and be based on prompt! (A 500 page story that has nothing to do with the prompt subject won't count!)

- Story must be new and not include any pre-existing writing you've made!

- As with the rule we made for artwork, your writing should show a good effort! Put thought into the character you're writing about, give us detail about the activity and how your character participates in it. Don't just fill up the page with run-ons and bland text to hit that word count.



- 10 silver coins

- Seasonal Item for: Antenna Trait

- 1 ticket for a Monster Sylphling Raffle! (Raffle design pictured below!)

Ends: 2 years ago

This prompt has ended.