Draw your Sprite gifting flowers to someone they love!

Valentines isn't just a time to appreciate partners, it's also to share the love with friends and family! Sometimes the smallest gesture can carry so much meaning to those you care about, and Flowers are popular and lovely way to show your appreciation to anyone! Even some chocolates to go with it are bound to put a smile on the gift receiver's face!


Draw your Sprite Character gifting flowers to someone they love!

This prompt is for Chowlings and Familiars!

If you do not own any Chowlings, you can ask in our community discord in the #chowling-art-requests channel for permission to use another members! Alternatively, you can search the Masterlist using the 'open for gift art' toggle, or can use Wish!

This prompt will end on the 1st of March at 00:00 site time!

You can submit this prompt three times!



This is an art only prompt!


- As usual, keep it SFW!

- Please put a good effort into your entry! 

- This prompt is for Chowlings and Familiars!


- Minimum of Two Sprites should be included!

- Can be traditional or digital!

- It desn't have to just be flowers, perhaps its a plushie holding a flower or a card with flowers on! If it follows a floral theme it's allowed!



For art submissions you will need a url link, there are multiple ways you can link your entry! 

Some useful ways are:

- Upload your work to the Chowling Website Gallery! (You can earn 2 extra Festival Tickets for doing so!) You can do this by clicking 'submit' in the Gallery Tab! Chowlings - Gallery :: Create Submission (chowlingspecies.com)

- Upload your work to sta.sh if you have a DeviantArt account, copy the link and add it to your submission!

- You can send it in the community discord and copy the message link to put in your submission!

- You can upload it to your character's toyhouse, view the image from there and copy that link to pop in your submission!



- +25 Festival Tickets 

- +8 Copper Tokens 

- 1 Love Me Plush Raffle Ticket


- +6 Festival Tickets per extra Sprite Character

- +5 Festival Tickets for Simple Backgrounds (+10 for Detailed Backgrounds)

- +8 Festival Tickets for Extra Details / Polish (Such as Shading, Highlights, or Additional Objects!)

- +3 Festival Tickets Cute Bonus 

- +4 Festival Tickets per unique frame of animation (for animated entries) or +3 for each unique frame of tweened animation

- +4 Festival Tickets per Comic Panel (For Comic Entries)

Ends: 1 year ago

This prompt has ended.