November News! (LOTS of things in here!!)



This News post has quite a lot of info and exciting things in it! Make sure to check out everything to not miss any of it!

Here's a quick overwiev of all topics discussed in this newspost~



To celebrate reaching over 1000 Chowlings we are hosting a total of 5 little surprises for the community!

These include a DTE, a free raffle design, other free raffles as well as an event prompt!

Check out the '1000+ CHOWLINGS CELEBRATION!' Button below to learn more about this event~



We've reworked the current items prices and seasonal status and updated all of them! Now almost all items have new prices and all seasonal items have their own shop.

For a short time all seasonal items will be available in limited quantity in the Seasonal Shop!

Check out the 'SEASONAL ITEMS' Button below to learn more about the specific changes and what items belong to which season~



It's been a while but now they're back! We're reopening CGA applications!

What is a CGA and how do I apply? You can find all info on this in the 'CGA APPLICATIONS' button below!



One of our amazing GAs @mochipelifroso is going to open applications for a custom Chowling with the Dragon Lineage this Friday!

More info on this specific custom will be announced on Friday the 3rd of November in our Discord! Make sure to join to not miss it!

Check out the 'CUSTOM DRAGON AUCTION' Button below to read up on a bit more info on this sale^^


We've reached 1000+ Chowlings and we want to celebrate!

Just recently we have reached over 1000 Chowlings on the masterlist!! THAT'S INSANE!
To celebrate this huge achievement and give out a big thank you to the community, we mods have prepared a week of free fun for everyone!

There are a total of five little gifts we have prepared for you all >>

1. DTE Chowling 1001


Firstly we have a DTE (Draw to enter) Design made by Mod Kiroria ! This design drops shortly after this announcement in the Discord and will stay open for an entire month for anyone to enter!

With it's colourfull sprinkles the 'Confetti Cake' Themed Chowling want's to bring some happyness and warmth into your life!

How can you enter?

To enter you'll need to draw or write about the Confetti Cake Chowling! Art submissions require a minimum of a coloured, clean lined halfbody of the Chowling. The writing minimuim is 600 words.

This design will be posted shortly after this announcement in our Discord! This DTE will stay open until the end of November (30th November 11:59pm CET)

2. Celebration Prompt

Who doesn't love to celebrate? Birthdays, acing an exam or simply existing, there's always something to celebrate!

This month we want to see your Chows celebrate! What are they celebrating? That's up to you^^
You can draw or write them into any celebratory situation and only for this prompt get a boosted Festival Ticket reward
For each submission you make to this prompt you'll receive 100x Festival Tickets and 5 Platinum Token! You can complete this prompt max 3 times total.

You can find the Prompt with all of it's details in the button here


Celebration Prompt

3. FFA Free Raffle Chowling


This is a FFA Free Chowling design made by the lovely GreenBean and @Dreary !
This Chowling will be available through an on-site raffle.

They'll be revealed and hosted on Wednesday the 1st of November on our Discord^^

4. Other Free Raffles

At the end of this week on Friday the 4th of November we've prepared our last surprise!
We'll be hosting a few raffles raffling off various species items and currency to both FTO and AO.

While we don't want to spoil the exact raffles yet we do want to give everyone a little teaser with the images below~
Like everything previous these raffles will also be announced on our Discord but hosted in the on site raffles!


Two of the Fall seasonal items! A lot of the items art is currently being reworked and has a placeholder for the time being!

5. Chowling 1000!

And the most exciting part! CHOWLING Number 1000!

This extra special Chowling will be designed by the owner SauntProof !
When this Chowling will go up and how exactly it'll be handed out is still being brewed up but we'll make an announcement in our Discord once the time comes^^


A couple of questions you might have for this event and our answers to them!
If your question isn't answered here feel free to ask us in the comments of this post or in the #admin-ask channel of our discord

Can I enter for the DTE Chowling and the other raffles?

  • Everone is welcome to enter all raffles (unless they're FTO specific). However the winner of the FFA raffle design is not allowed to win the DTE Chowling or enter any (only) MYO raffle.
    If someone wins a MYO slot before the DTE ends they're still allowed to enter the DTE and possibly win it!

How will the winner for the DTE be picked?

  • The winner for the DTE Chowling will be rolled randomly from all submissions. That way it's fair among everyone!

Will there be more prizes for the DTE?

  • Depending on the amount of people entering the DTE we might add more prizes to random winners as well as some honorary mentions^^
    Please keep in mind though this is a big maybe!

I don't want to enter for the DTE Chowling but I still want the other rewards. Can I participate in the DTE only to receive the other rewards?

  • Yes! If you don't want to get put into the raffle for the DTE chowling but still want to receive the other rewards you can submit your entry and just let us know within it that you don't want to be entered into the raffle^^

Will there be anything specifically for FTO?

  • Yes! While the DTE and Second FFA raffle design are open to all there will be a free raffe on Sunday which will be FTO exclusive.
    FTO (First time owner) are anyone who has never owned a Chowling or a Chowling myo before!


Two of the Fall seasonal items! A lot of the items art is currently being reworked and has a placeholder for the time being!

We've realized that we've neglected updating and changing the availability of our beloved seasonal items BUT NO MORE!
We stuck our heads together and completely reworked all seasonal items and their prices!
This means we've changed the list of seasonal items a bit to freshen it up as well as making all items in general a lot more reasonably priced.


  New list of Seasonal items  

Here's the new list of all seasonal items which will be available in the new Seasonal Shop together with the times when they'll be available

Any items not listed here are either available in the main trait shop throughout the entire year or they're only available on specific occasions/events!


All of these items are available in the Seasonal Shop from now until the 13th of November (so for 2 weeks)!
After this only the Winter seasonal items will remain until they switch out in Spring for the next ones~

For this month we're reopening CGA applications!

Some quick questions and answers before we drop all the info:

What is a CGA?
  • A CGA (or Community Guest Artist) is a temporary guest Artist who is hired to participate in one batch.
    Each CGA can make up to two chowling designs.
Where do I apply and what do I need to apply?
  • You can apply over on our Discord! Applications will open on the 31st of October and close on the 7th of November.
    To apply you need an on site account, examples of your designs (non-chowling designs are alright) and examples of your chowling art. Both minors and adults can enter since all designs will be raffled off for free.
What will I be compensated with?
  • All CGAs will receive one Chowling MYO slot for their first finished design and for their second they'll receive a Lineage statue + 5 trait items of their choice.
    Available Lineages to pick are Monster, Fighter, Dragon, Marionette or Scholar.

Now is your time!

If you're interested and would like to send in an application make sure to join our discord and check out the #CGA-applications channel for all info!

For this round we're looking to pick 7 members of the community!

Applications will open on the 31st of October and close on the 7th of November. A few days later we will pick and announce this round of CGAs and we hope to post the finished batch of designs at the end of november^^



Dragon Custom Auction

Our talented GA MochiPeligroso will be opening an Auction for a Custom Dragon Lineage Chowling this coming Friday (3rd November)!
This sale will be hosted in the #official-sales channel of our Discord! Make sure to join if you don't wanna miss it

You can search up some of mochis previous Chowling designs here on the masterlist but here are some other examples of their work as well


Featured Chowlings are C-973: Haunted Animatronic, C-320: Sea Bunny, C-677: Jester Demon, C-810: Lollipop Heart

More info and specifics will be revealed on Friday in the Discord!

